Sandy Mush Quilt Gallery: Betty Duckett Quilt


Quilter:  Betty Rogers Duckett Quilt Name:  “Odd Fellow” Quilt Created:  1989 On Loan by:  Eva Duckett   It was called an Odd Fellow because each piece has a different print.  It was also known as a “Beggar’s Quilt”, perhaps because in order … Read More

Sandy Mush Quilt Gallery: Rieta Wells & Kathleen Sluder Quilt


Our Sandy Mush Quilt Gallery is now on display in the SMCC Gym.  Stop by to enjoy!  Currently, we have eight community quilts on loan.  We will share a photo and information on each quilt over the next few weeks.  Stay tuned! … Read More

Sandy Mush School History


It was 1839 before public schools were actually established in North Carolina, sixty-three years after a provision for their creation had been written into the state constitution.  “Adequate schools supported through public taxation” yet it was the early 1890s before this reform … Read More

May 6, 2016 


Attendance Enrich our growing community. Big Sandy Mush Community Center Board Meeting Meeting 7 Dave Everett called the meeting to order.  The Minutes from the April meeting were approved.  Treasurer Report:   The balance in the checking account is increasing due to rentals. … Read More

Minutes – April 1, 2016 


Sandy Mush Community Center Meeting  Attendance Enrich our growing community. Big Sandy Mush Community Center Board Meeting Meeting 6 Keith Wells called the meeting to order.  Minutes from March 4, 2016 submitted by Cathy Phillips are approved. Treasurer Report submitted by Cathy … Read More

Minutes – Jan 8, 2016


Attendance Enrich our growing community. Big Sandy Mush Community Center Board Meeting Meeting 3 January 8, 2016 BSMCC Board Meeting  The meeting is called to order by Keith Wells.  Copies of minutes from December 4, 2015, were passed to those present. The minutes … Read More

Minutes – Dec 4, 2015


Attendance Enrich our growing community. Big Sandy Mush Community Center Board Meeting Meeting 2 December 4, 2015 Big Sandy Mush Community Center Meeting Keith Wells called the meeting to order. Keith has asked Terri Wells to preside. Secretary Report – The minutes … Read More

Minutes – Nov 13, 2015


Attendance Enrich our growing community. Big Sandy Mush Community Center Board Meeting Meeting 1 November 13, 2015, Big Sandy Mush Community Center Board Minutes (Attendance sheet attached) Terri Wells presiding; Keith Wells called the meeting to order. Sue Garrett would like to … Read More

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